Study in Uruguay

Free movers

This program was especially created for international students from non-partner universities and is an excellent opportunity to be part of a prestigious and dynamic Latin American university.

If you choose to attend our university as a free mover student you are required to pay tuition fees to Universidad ORT Uruguay and have access to the same services and benefits as exchange students from our partner universities.

You can take a Spanish for Foreigners course (intermediate level) with no extra charge.

  • Tuition

    Students from our partner universities are either exempt from paying tuition fees or receive special discounts.

  • Important dates

    The academic year in Uruguay starts in March and ends in December.

    All undergraduate programs are subdivided into two terms, going from March to July and from August to December.

  • Language requirements

    Most courses are taught in Spanish, which is why all international non-degree seeking students are required to prove their intermediate language competence in Spanish.

    Your Spanish level should exceed B1, according to the Common European Framework of Refrence for Languages (CEFR).


    Academic programs and enrollment

    As a non-degree seeking international student you are allowed to combine subjects from different schools, programs and semesters, as long as their schedules are compatible.

  • English-taught courses

    To facilitate the integration of international students, Universidad ORT Uruguay offers some courses which are taught entirely in English.

    Other university courses are offered as dual-language courses, meaning that lectures are given in Spanish with course materials and assessments available in English.

Recursos académicos