Sobre esa idea central, la Dra. Fennell desarrolló varias líneas de investigación, entre ellas un modelo para comprender y clasificar los deseos de los clientes de manera de contribuir al mejor diseño de marcas y productos.
Su pensamiento y sus investigaciones están disponibles en los siguientes artículos:
1975 - Motivation research revisited
1975 - What is a situation? A motivational paradigm
1978 - Consumers' perceptions of the product-use situation
1980 - Attitude, motivation, and marketing or, where do the attributes come from?
1982 - The unit to be classified: persons vs. behaviours
1983 - Persuasion: Planning for behavioral change in business and nonbusiness contexts
1985 - Finally, let's model marketing communications
1985 - Persuasion: Marketing as behavioral science in business and nonbusiness contexts
1985 - Things of Heaven and Earth: Phenomenology, marketing, and consumer research
1986 - Extending the thinkable: Consumer research for marketing practice
1987 - Is selling marketing? The academic-practitioner gap revisited
1987 - Prolegomenon: Marketing, ethics, and quality-of-life
1987 - A radical agenda for marketing science: Represent the marketing concept!
1987 - Reculer pour mieux sauter or, why consumer psychologists need a general model of action
1988 - Action as counterchange: Identifying antecedents of the domain and goal of action
1988 - Marketing: In loco parentis?
1988 - Reclaiming form utility for marketing: The human side of the person-technology interface
1995 - Globalization issues: The myth of prepackaged solutions
International business cases: Is marketing missing?
The thinking of Geraldine Fennell: A compilation and organization of quotes
Fennell, G., Allenby, G. M., Yang, S., & Edwards, Y. (2003). The effectiveness of demographic and psychographic variables for explaining brand and product category use. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 1(2), 223-244.
Fennell, Geraldine, Saegert, Joel and Gilbride, Tim (2002), “Responding to Wants: Do Ad Effects Studies Measure the Right People?” In J. Edell and R.C. Goodstein (Eds), Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology. Washington, D.C.: Society for Consumer Psychology (Division 23), American Psychological Association, p. 142-154.”
Fennell, Geraldine (1986). Fennell, G. (1986). Behavioral Influence and Change: Peripheral Versus Fundamental.
Fennell, Geraldine (1984). Narayana, C. L., & Markin, R. J. (1975). Consumer behavior and product performance: An alternative conceptualization. The Journal of Marketing, 1-6.
Fennell, Geraldine, Susan Weber (1984). Fennell, G., & Weber, S. (1984). Avoiding Sex Role Stereotypes in Advertising: What Questions Should We Ask?. ACR North American Advances.
Fennell, Geraldine (1987). Fennell, G. (1987). Basic Science For Marketing: The Route To a Managerially Relevant Marketing Science. In AMA Winter Educators’ Conference (p. 336). American Marketing Association.