Área Internacional y de Intercambios

About the International Office

Universidad ORT Uruguay maintains a cooperation network with academic institutions worldwide and is a member of major international university associations.


The Office of International Affairs encompasses a range of proposals, activities, and academic strategies that reflect our strong commitment to:

  • an education of excellence for our students, preparing them to live and work in a globalized world;
  • the optimization of academic quality through faculty and the professional development of our management team;
  • the broadening of scope and strengthening of skills for our researchers; and
  • the sustained development of innovative and entrepreneurial culture. 

Fact sheet 2025

Academic Agreements and Partnerships

The university engages in initiating, developing and maintaining academic cooperation agreements with universities and centers of excellence around the world, generating partnerships that cover the varied aspects of our international activity, including: student exchange, faculty and researcher exchange, collaborative research, joint programs, academic networking, and others.

Our institutional policy supports the generation of cooperation agreements based on pre-existing academic activity. In this way, we promote a "bottom-up" approach to academic collaboration. 

For academic and scientific research agreements the process begins with the direct contact between academics and researchers, while institutional project agreements and student exchange agreements are processed through the International Office.



The International Office centralizes the university´s internationalization strategy, and assists institutional authorities, researchers, professors, students, and graduates. We provide a wide range of services including: 

  • Interinstitutional relations
  • Negotiation and writing of academic agreements
  • Information on scholarships, grants, and funding
  • International scholarship administration
  • Student exchange and academic mobility
  • Orientation for graduate studies abroad
  • Guidance for foreign students and visiting professors
  • Identification of opportunities for international academic cooperation
  • Assistance in the formulation, presentation and management of international projects


Recursos académicos