Study in Uruguay

Degree-seeking students

Universidad ORT Uruguay offers academic programs at degree categories and with specific admission requirements for international students.

If you wish to enroll as a free mover or exchange student, please contact the student exchange office for detailed information.

Universidad ORT Uruguay offers the following degree paths:

  • Undergraduate programs
  • Graduate programs
  • Short and technical degree programs

Undergraduate programs

These programs have a duration of at least four years. If you wish to seek admission to one of our undergraduate degree programs you must have completed your secondary education and bring your legalized high school diploma, which must also be recognized by the Consejo de Educación Secundaria del Uruguay (Uruguayan Council of Secondary Education).

The following steps are required:

  1. Find a program. For specific information please contact the Admissions Office (Email Intercambios)
  2. Enroll in the undergraduate program of your choice.
  3. Legalize and translate all required documents.

All documents originating from a non-Spanish-speaking country must be translated and validated by a Public Translator in Uruguay.

Graduate programs

To enroll in a graduate program, you must bring your legalized undergraduate diploma and fulfill all regular admission requirements of the selected program.

The International Office is happy to put you in contact with an academic advisor for more information regarding enrollment procedures and entry requirements.

All documents originating from a non-Spanish-speaking country must be translated and validated by a Public Translator in Uruguay.

Short and technical degree programs

These programs have a duration of up to three years. To enroll in a technical degree program, you must bring your legalized high school certificate and fulfill all regular admission requirements of the selected program.

The following steps are required:

  1. Find a program. For specific information please contact the Admissions Office (Email Intercambios)
  2. Enroll in the program of your choice.
  3. Legalize and translate all required documents

All documents originating from a non-Spanish-speaking country must be translated and validated by a Public Translator in Uruguay.

  • Get Ready to Study in Uruguay

    Before studying abroad, you probably have many questions about your host country.

    Here we will help you plan your stay.

    Do not hesitate to contact the Student Exchange Office for more information.

  • Immigration to study in Uruguay


    Students who remain in Uruguay for more than one year must apply for temporary residence at Dirección Nacional de Migración (the national immigration office).

    The process may require the legalization and translation of documents as well as medical exams.

    The International Office can guide you in this process, but before traveling you should contact the consulate of Uruguay in your home country for information regarding the procedure and the documents you must bring to Uruguay.

Recursos académicos