Memoria de investigación y producción académica 2014-2020

Memoria de investigación y producción académica 2014 - 2020 31 Paganini, F. Ferragut, A. 2017 • Bliman, F., Paganini, F., & Ferragut, A. (2017). A macroscopic view of demand-side grid regulation through fluid queueing models and H2 control. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , 8 (6), 3075-3083. Rankeada en Q1 en JCR. Rankeada en Q1 en SJR (Scopus). Solari, M. 2018 • Solari, M., Vega, S., & Juristo, N. (2018). Content and structure of laboratory packages for software engineering experiments. Information and Software Technology , 97 , 64-79. Rankeada en Q1 en JCR. Rankeada en Q1 en SJR (Scopus). Szasz, N. 2014 • González, A., Luna, C., Zorzan, F., & Szasz, N. (2014). Automatic derivation of behavior of products in a software product line. IEEE Latin America Transactions , 12 (6), 1120-1126. Rankeada en Q4 en JCR. Rankeada en Q3 en SJR (Scopus). Szasz, N. 2015 • Calegari, D., & Szasz, N. (2015). Institution-based foundations for verification in the context of model-driven engineering. Science of Computer Programming , 107 - 108 , 41-63. Rankeada en Q3 en JCR. Rankeada en Q2 en SJR (Scopus). Szasz, N. 2016 • Calegari, D., Mossakowski, T., & Szasz, N. (2016). Heterogeneous verification in the context of model driven engineering. Science of Computer Programming , 126 , 3-30. Rankeada en Q3 en JCR. Rankeada en Q2 en SJR (Scopus). Tasistro, Á. Copello, E. Szasz, N. 2015 • Tasistro, Á., Copello, E., & Szasz, N. (2015). Formalisation in constructive type theory of stoughton’s substitution for the lambda calculus. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , 312 , 215-230. Rankeada en Q2 en SJR (Scopus). Tiscornia, I. Bollati, M. 2016 • Rolny, I., Tiscornia, I., Racedo, S. M., Pérez, P. F., & Bollati, M. (2016). Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp lactis CIDCA 133 modulates response of human epithelial and dendritic cells infected with Bacillus cereus. Beneficial Microbes , 7 (5), 749-760. Rankeada en Q2 en JCR. Rankeada en Q2 en SJR (Scopus). Tiscornia, I. Bollati, M. 2017 • Schroeder, M. E., Russo, S., Costa, C., Hori, J., Tiscornia, I., Bollati, M., … Hill, M. (2017). Pro-inflammatory Ca++-activated K+channels are inhibited by hydroxychloroquine. Scientific Reports , 7 , 1-7. Rankeada en Q1 en JCR. Rankeada en Q1 en SJR (Scopus). Umpiérrez Failache, M. 2017 • Garmendia, G., Umpiérrez Failache, M.,Ward, T. J., & Vero, S. (2017). Development of a PCR-RFLP method based on the transcription elongation factor 1-a gene to differentiate Fusarium graminearum from other species within the Fusarium graminearum species complex. Food Microbiology , 70 , 28-32. ARTÍCULOS EN PUBLICACIONES ARBITRADAS / FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA