Memoria de investigación y producción académica 2014-2020

50 Universidad ORT Uruguay Paganini, F. 2019 • Avraam, C., Rines, J., Sarker, A., Paganini, F., & Mallada, E. (2019). Voltage collapse stabilization in star DC networks. En Proceedings of the American Control Conference (pp. 1957-1964). Philadelphia, USA. Recuperado de Paganini, F. 2019 • Min, H., Paganini, F., & Mallada, E. (2019). Accurate reduced order models for coherent synchronous generators. En Proceedings of the 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2019 (pp. 316- 317). Monticello, USA. Paganini, F. 2019 • Paganini, F., & Mallada, E. (marzo, 2019). The search for practically relevant global metrics of grid synchronization performance. Artículo presentado en Conference on Information Sciences & Systems (CISS 2019). Baltimore, USA. Paganini, F. Ferragut, A. 2014 • Paganini, F., & Ferragut, A. (2014). Monotonicity and global stability in download dynamics of content-sharing networks. En 53rd Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 5314-5319). Los Angeles, USA. Paganini, F. Ferragut, A. 2015 • Paganini, F., Zubeldía, M., & Ferragut, A. (2015). Trading off efficiency and reciprocity in wireless peer-to-peer file sharing. En Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc andWireless Networks, (WiOpt) (pp. 379-386). Bombay, India. Paganini, F. Ferragut, A. 2016 • Bliman, F., Paganini, F., & Ferragut, A. (2016). Grid frequency regulation with deferrable loads – an H2-optimal control approach. En Proceedings de IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA) (pp. 273-278). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Paganini, F. Goldsztajn, D. Ferragut, A. 2019 • Paganini, F., Goldsztajn, D., & Ferragut, A. (diciembre, 2019). An optimization approach to load balancing, scheduling and right sizing of cloud computing systems with data locality. Artículo presentado en 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Niza, Francia. Paggi, H. 2014 • Paggi, H., Bosse, E., Florea, M. C., & Solaiman, B. (2014). On the use of holonic agents in the design of information fusion systems. En 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2014) (p. 8). Salamanca, España. Recuperado de Paggi, H. Paolino, L. 2014 • Paggi, H., Paolino, L., & Alonso, F. (2014). A holonic view of knowledge management. En International Conference of Computational Methods in Science Engineering 2014 (ICCMSE 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings (pp. 778-781). Atenas, Grecia. ARTÍCULOS EN CONFERENCIAS ARBITRADAS / FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA